
Learning About Dog Training Techniques

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Learning About Dog Training Techniques

Hello, I’m Dom. Welcome to my site about pet training. When I started training my dog, I did not know how to teach the latest and best tricks I saw pups performing around the world. I grabbed a clicker and a book about the subject and got to work learning about this exciting topic. I eventually developed training programs that started with a small step and continued to the exact trick I was looking to teach. From the extravagant to the practical, training your pets can be a great benefit. I hope you can help your pet learn new things with my help.


Want A Great Family Dog? Choose A Havanese Puppy

If you want a great family dog, one choice you have is to purchase a Havanese puppy. Below are some tips on buying a Havanese puppy, as well as information about this breed you should find helpful. 

Choose a Family-Raised Breeder

When it comes to purchasing your Havanese puppy, you have many options. One option is to purchase it from a family-raised breeder. These puppies are raised inside the home until they are ready to be adopted. There are many benefits to choosing this breeder. One, the dog will already be used to being inside a home. The breeder will be around the puppies much more so they will understand their personalities. Puppies raised in a home will be less fearful, less aggressive, and not have high anxiety when in their new home. 

These dogs are much more comfortable because they are already used to sounds, such as a running vacuum, sounds that come from outside, and much more. Being family-raised also allows the puppy to learn how to interact with other pets you may have, as well as interact with people and children. 

Living with a Havanese

Havanese dogs are known to be great family dogs as they get along well with children, as well as adults, and other pets. They are known to be loyal and overly affectionate Because they are small dogs, this is a great choice if you live in an apartment or live in a small home without a large yard. 

These dogs have a mild temperament which means they play well with even small children. These dogs are sturdy even though they are small so can also handle rougher play from older children. Havanese dogs are comfortable around people they meet. These dogs are loving and sweet and love to be with their family. If they are left alone too often, they may become destructive. 

Grooming a Havanese

The Havanese breed has a double coat and needs to be bathed often. This is not difficult to do, however, as they are small dogs. How often they get a bath will depend on their lifestyle. If they do not go outside for long periods of time, then they don't have to be bathed as often.  

You will find their coat grows quickly so your dog will need to be trimmed by a groomer regularly. If their coat becomes too long, it is much harder to manage. It can also easily become matted, and matting is difficult to remove. You may need to take your dog to a groomer once a month to keep their hair at the right length. The groomer can also cut their nails, clean their ears, and give them a bath. 

A breeder can give you much more information about this breed. 

For more info, contact a local family-raised Havanese dog breeder